Thursday, December 13, 2012


Hey Readers,
Just a quick note to let you know my blog will be moving.  I will be taking a short break while working on my latest book project, then will resume blogging in a different location.  I will post the details here when everything is set.
As always, thanks for reading.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


A few months ago I had the pleasure of meeting Jozef Rothstein, author of AS THE MATZO BALL TURNS.  He was so much fun to talk to and was kind enough to do an author interview for this blog.
Jozef is returning to the scene of the crime, I mean our visit, on Saturday December 8th. So, holiday shoppers, take a break from the hustle and bustle and go visit him.  He'll sign his book for you and rumor has it he's doing a Christmas reading from AS THE MATZO BALL TURNS as the character Charles "Dickens" Rothstein.  
Hope you can come out and support him at:

Wyoming Valley Barnes and Noble
421 Arena Hub Plaza
Saturday, December 8
Reading is at noon

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankful #2 M&M

I was taking a much needed break from all things NaNo to catch up on blogs I follow when I stumbled upon a great post by Brenda Drake.  She's hosting a Thanksgiving Blog Hop where you post things you are thankful for in your life.  Now I'm a little late to the party, but couldn't resist joining in anyway.  It's a great way to focus on all the wonderful things in our lives.

Thankful #2
Although I do love M&M candy, that's not what I'm talking about here.  I'm referring to my critique group.  This is actually an extension of my #1 because the members of my critique group are also two great writers in my family.

Not that it needs to be said, but she looks nothing like this.  

My sister-in-law Maribeth was the one who got me back into writing again.  I got away from it years ago when I had kids and was working full time.  I didn't realize how much I missed it and I will be eternally grateful to her for bringing this part of myself back to me.  

  Maribeth is such a great critique partner.  She has fresh, new ideas and a great outlook on all things in life.  She's extremely honest and encouraging about my writing.  She helps me be a better writer and person.

He actually does look a little like this, especially when he reads some of my work.

My son Michael and I have become a lot closer since we've been working in the critique group together.  We have totally different styles and ideas, but I love hearing his thoughts.  He's always loved to read and devours books on any and all subjects.  This gives him a great perspective that our group finds extremely valuable.   
Michael and I grew apart, as is common, when he became a teenager.  Now, we've connected again and I'm always in awe of his intelligence.  He is very straight forward and keeps us on our toes.

Even though our busy lives keep us from meeting as often as we'd like, I know I can call on both of them when I have a writing problem.  They always make time to help me when I need it.  

I am thankful that they help me fight the battles I face on the way to creating a great story.
*Images from Google Search M&M

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgivingl Blog Hop

I was taking a much needed break from all things NaNo to catch up on blogs I follow when I stumbled upon a great post by Brenda Drake.  She's hosting a Thanksgiving Blog Hop where you post things you are thankful for in your life.  Now I'm a little late to the party, but couldn't resist joining in anyway.  It's a great way to focus on all the wonderful things in our lives.

There's nothing I'm more thankful for in my life than my family.  I have a loving husband and two great sons that are the center of my world.  They've made my life complete.

But my family doesn't stop there.  I'm from a large Italian family and I married into an even larger Italian family (didn't think that was possible).  Our tree has many branches, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

We are a close knit group.  Most of us live within a few blocks of each other ( the others are about a five to ten minute car ride away) and it works for us.  There's nothing like having a strong support system of people who love you.  I'm so thankful for my BIG ITALIAN FAMILY!  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

NaNoWriMo Writing Tips

*Clear throat and use deep announcer's voice*

Hear ye, hear ye!  I have searched far and wide for tidbits of knowledge that can help accomplish the task of completing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  I have found some excellent tips for those of you brave enough to take on the beast.  Just click below and you too will reveal the secrets to victory.

As we approach the mid-mark of this journey, I am behind my goal (currently at about 12,000 words).  But, it is time to regroup and move forward using the sites above as inspiration. 

*Holding a pen above my head like a sword*

 "We shall be victorious!"

Are you staying on target with your writing goals?  What tips do you use when you're writing?

Saturday, November 3, 2012


It's that time again novelists, NaNoWriMo.  For those of you who don't know what that means, it's where author's write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November.  For those of us who do it, it means hours bent over our keyboards, frozen dinners, dirty houses, and mega-sized caffeine drinks...and WE LOVE IT!
There comes a sense of accomplishment in creating a novel, or at least a large portion of your story, in one month.  
Now to do this, you have to stay on a schedule.  Of course, me being me, I'm already a bit behind (and it's only day 3!).  But, the point of doing this is to just keep writing and don't give up.  That's exactly what I'm going to do starting NOW!
I'll be posting my progress on this blog to let you know how it's going.  This is just a little added incentive for me to keep on track.  
So fellow NaNoWriMo writers, what are you doing to keep your writing on track?  
Those of you who don't write, how do you challenge yourself in what you love to do?
Good Luck to all my writer friends.  See you on the other side! 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fabulous Five Giveaway Winner

Congratulations Thomas Rinebold!
You are the winner of AS THE MATZO BALL TURNS by Jozef Rothstein.  Please send your mailing information to so I can get your prize out to you. 
Thanks to everyone for stopping by and commenting here and on my email.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fabulous Five Giveaway

Hey Readers,
The author of my Fabulous Five Interview Giveaway contacted me with some issues people are having leaving comments.  You have to sign in to leave a comment on the post.  Otherwise, the site will not post your comment.  Hopefully this will end any problems.  If you still have issues, please contact me at my email address and leave your comment.  Put Fabulous Five Interview in the subject and I will count that as your entry.  The address is  Thanks for reading and GOOD LUCK!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rantings of a Writer:Dreamweaver: Fabulous Five Interview

Rantings of a Writer:Dreamweaver: Fabulous Five Interview: I recently had the pleasure of meeting an author at a book signing who agreed to do an interview for this blog.  This interview is launching...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Conquer the Synopsis Summit

Conquer the Synopsis Summit

Fabulous Five Interview

I recently had the pleasure of meeting an author at a book signing who agreed to do an interview for this blog.  This interview is launching a new series of posts called The Fabulous Five Interviews.  I will be interviewing people who love books.  This includes writers, readers, or anyone who would love to share their thoughts and insights on writing and reading.  So, let's get to my first interview.  Stick around until the end because there's a giveaway with this one!

by Jozef Rothstein

Hey...remember me???  
I'm the one who bought three books at your signing at B&N in Wilkes Barre! (Of course, how could I forget? You and Maribeth rock!!!) I hope things have been going well for you these past couple months.  I read your interview with Maribeth and it was great. (Thanks)  This is my first interview and I'm  a short and sweet kind of gal. My interviews are called the Fabulous Five Interview because I ask five questions and you give me your fabulous answers.  It's quick, painless, and fun.  Thanks for agreeing to do this. Let's get started.

1.  AS THE MATZO BALL TURNS, in your words, is "An aspiring actor's ten year encounter with hit men, celebrities, and old Jewish ladies".  I have to say there were so many great parts of your book.  My mom was telling me about some of her favorites the other day (yes I've told my whole family to read it).  What is your favorite part of the story? 

You mean, besides the part where I get the hell out of Los Angeles as fast as humanly possible? I guess my favorite parts, off the top of my head, are the Chester stories. The guy was such a nut I could’ve written a whole book on him alone. I think the stories listed were the climax of my experiences with him, but the stories really seem to flow in the book. Some stories obviously are funnier than others just by the nature of things, but those were really fun to write. 

Thank you for recommending the book to your family. That is the ultimate compliment. It is so wild that your mom was commenting on her favorite parts. 

2.  You are a semi self-published author.  Can you tell us what that means and how you decided on that route for yourself and your book?

Yes, my belief is, especially after spending ten long years in Hollywood, that every facet of our society is under a silent control. I’ve been into the belly of the beast and no matter how good or bad my work was there was no way the door to the good ole boys club was going to be opened for me. Yet, Paris Hilton or some other useless reality star writes a book and our country is blanketed with their drivel. Art is one of the first things to go in an emerging totalitarian society and I see the same thing happening right before our eyes. I also learned in Hollywood that you can sit around and wait for someone to pick you or you can get off your ass and try to make it happen for yourself. I got tired of waiting for someone to open the door for me and now I want to kick the f&#@ing thing in. A writer friend in LA told me flat out, “No one in this town is going to touch your book.” After just one top literary agent rejected it saying, “It’s not very funny,” I knew my friend was right. This path more or less chose me. I enjoy the challenge of proving the snobs in Hollywood wrong and I am just one of those men who live and die by the sword. I’ll do it my way or no way at all. It’s a much tougher route but way more gratifying.

3.  You spent all that time in "LALA" land pursuing a career in film.  Is that something you see trying again in the future or has the lure of the bright lights burned out for you?

There is still that flicker of hope regarding a film career. I have what I think is an awesome screenplay and story waiting to be told. I’ve had others agree including a celeb or two interested in a couple of the parts. The problem is financing in this economy and being an “unknown” a.k.a. non-chosen one. As the Matzo Ball Turns started punching its way out of me on my way back to Pennsylvania and I am just riding it out to see where it takes me. Hopefully, right into that film I’ve been trying to make for the past ten years. If not, I have many more books to write. Which leads us right into your next question …

4.  What is your next project, perhaps another book?

So, if the film career falls short there will be a sequel to As the Matzo Ball Turns and then a more serious drama which my screenplay is based on. Maybe things would have gone better with my film career if I would have written the story as a book first. The only problem with that is then you are an author and the rights are simply purchased from you while you sit on the sidelines on watch Hollywood desecrate your material and then give themselves a multitude of awards for their genius. And how about all those awards shows? These people can’t pat themselves on the back enough? People all over our country are being laid off and on Channel 7 another awards show. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic.

5.  Where can readers find your book and do you have any upcoming appearances and book signings you'd like to shout out about?

Right now four Northeast Pennsylvania Barnes and Noble stores are carrying the book on their shelves. Thank you for the opportunity to mention them. They are :   

 2960 Center Valley Parkway, Ste. 742, Center Valley, PA 18034;   
 801 Lehigh Lifestyle Center, Whitehall, PA 18052;   
 2300 Chemical Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462;  
 and finally the store where we met 427 Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702.  

You can also walk into any Barnes and Noble store and order it through a store clerk, purchase it online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble dot com or order directly from me by going to my blog at .  

 If you are a college football fan I will be at Penn State versus Ohio State on October 27th from 11am to 3pm at the Penn State Student Bookstore located at 330 East College Ave.State CollegePA 16801. You can come to the signing and still have time to run to your car, slam down a few brewha’s and make the six o’clock kickoff.  

And finally, if you live in Northeast Pennsylvania we are having a FREE movie night/booksigning on Thursday, October 18th, 2012 at the Mauch Chunk Opera House, 6 West Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229. The event begins at 6:30pm with a one hour book signing/reception followed by a screening of the low budget film I worked on entitled Living With Uncle Ray. The event is free to attend and a portion of the proceeds from book sales will be donated to the Mauch Chunk Opera House. Plus, anyone who buys a book will receive a free copy of the movie. It's a screaming deal and should be a very fun event. Plus, rap artist Payday Monsanto may make a guest appearance to perform a few numbers including the theme song for the book As the Matzo Ball Turns Rap , Thanks for the opportunity to answer your questions Renee! I hope your subscribers enjoy it and I wish you great success with your writing endeavors!

Thanks again Jozef for visiting and taking the time to talk to two crazy book-fan girls at your signing.  I wish you much success in all of your future projects!

So now for the fabulous giveaway.  One lucky reader will receive a signed copy of AS THE MATZO BALL TURNS.
It's as easy as leaving a comment on this post.  One lucky winner will be randomly selected to win this great read.  
Good Luck!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Weekend Read

by Tina Reber

Last week I did not do a weekend read because I was in the middle of reading Tina Reber's second book LOVE UNREHEARSED.   I wanted to include both books in my weekend read, so this week you get a double shot of fabulous reading.


Taryn Mitchell is a bar owner  in Seaport, Rhode Island who believes men should be kept at a safe distance.  Ryan Christenesen just wants to act.  But the demands of fans, the paparazzi, and the studio make that a challenge.  
When Ryan slips into Taryn's bar one day to escape a mob of fans and photographer's, he finds someone who may like him not because of his fame, but despite it.
Their bond grows, but can it survive all of the obstacles that come along with a life of fame?


Taryn's and Ryan's story continues as they find themselves making a commitment to each other that not everyone is happy about.  There's no script to follow for them while they try to figure out how a bar owner from Rhode Island fits into the glitz and glam of Hollywood.  These two are thrown into real life and must risk everything if they want their love to last.

Enjoy two great stories that give a little peak into the not so glamorous side of being a famous movie star.

Have a great weekend full of WONDERFUL reads!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend Read

By Molly McAdams

Eighteen year old Harper is off to college in San Diego.  After being raised by a career Marine father and the men in his unit, she's ready for new experiences.  Her roommate is happy to introduce her to what she's been missing.  
Soon Harper finds herself in love with her boyfriend Brandon and her roommate's older brother Chase, who happen to live in the same house.  Both adore and would do anything for Harper, including standing back if it means she'll be happy.  
Her new friend, gorgeous guys, parties, and her first experience with a real family life make Harper's year almost perfect, until one weekend changes everything.  A temptation that's acted upon sends everyone on a crazy ride full of pain, tears, happiness, and love.  Take a chance on TAKING CHANCES by Molly McAdams.  You won't be disappointed.

Sorry this weekend read is a little late, but I promise you it's worth the wait.  I stayed up late into the night reading this one and thought I'd fall asleep at work the next day...TOTALLY WORTH IT!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekend Read

by S.C. Stephens

     Denny was everything Kiera ever wanted in a boyfriend.  He was loving, tender, and completely devoted to her.  When Denny gets his dream job, Kiera leaves her school, home, and family to follow him.  After being there only a short time, a work obligation forces Denny to leave Kiera alone with their house mate and local rock star Kellan Kyle.  
     At first, Kiera leans on Kellan as a friend to help chase away her loneliness.  However, a phone call with Denny one night sets a chain of events in motion that will change all of their lives forever.
     When you're finished with THOUGHTLESS by S.C. Stephens, pick up the sequel EFFORTLESS.

Weekend Read Giveaway Winner

The winner of BEAUTIFUL DISASTER by Jamie McGuire is mmalavec.  Please email me with your information so I can get that out to you.  Thank you to everyone who dropped by and left a comment.  Keep an eye out for future Weekend Read Giveaways.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Back to School

The most wonderful time of year for parents has arrived.  Their children have gone back to school.  This is an exciting and busy time for families.  As you adjust to your new schedules, make sure you still do the things you enjoy.  Here are a few things I've planned for the upcoming months:

  1. My writing workout (see previous post) has been adjusted for my changing schedule, but I'm making progress on my story and plan to finish it before the end of the year (fingers crossed).  
  2. I recently signed up for an online writing class that I'm super excited about.  
  3. I've added several books to my reading list for the fall that I will hopefully love enough to share with you on my weekend read posts.  

What are some of the things you have planned for fall that you're looking forward to?

Don't forget about the Weekend Read Giveaway-BEAUTIFUL DISASTER by Jamie McGuire.  Make a comment on that post and earn a chance to win the book.  The winner will be announced on Friday, September 7th.  GOOD LUCK!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekend Read Giveaway-Beautiful Disaster

Beautiful Disaster
by Jamie McGuire

Abby Abernathy is a good girl looking to make a new start at Eastern University.  She came to this school with her best friend to get distance from the darkness in her past.  This is soon challenged when she captures the attention of the resident bad boy, Travis Maddox.  He is exactly what she's running from.
 Travis Maddox is the campus charmer who is covered in tattoos and earns his money with his fists in a secret floating fight ring.  The campus girls fall at his feet, but all he's looking for is one-night stands.  He's intrigued by Abbey's ability to resist his charm.  One night, a simple bet between them shows that Travis may have finally met his match.

Everything I discuss on Weekend Reads is a book I've read and liked.  I enjoyed this one so much, I read it four times.  BEAUTIFUL DISASTER has been getting a lot of buzz the past few weeks, so take this opportunity to post a comment for a chance to see what the chatter is all about.  That's right, just a simple comment will earn you a chance to win this book.  I would also appreciate it if you followed this blog and a follow on twitter @reneedeangelo4 would be awesome, but it's not necessary to win.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Free Kindle Fiction: Third Batch of Wednesday Free Books 8-22-2012

I love a great deal and am always looking for something to read.  Check out this link to see if any of these free kindle books interest you.

Free Kindle Fiction: Third Batch of Wednesday Free Books 8-22-2012: Are you ready to win $50.00? Enter the August contest! These books are free at the time of posting. changes their prices all th...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Writing Workout

Distractions, Distractions, Distractions

I finally gave in and bought a new iPhone yesterday.  Yes, I was living in the technological dark ages where my phone only did calling and texting.  Last night, at 11:30 pm (I'm usually asleep by 10), I was reminded of why I put off this purchase.  I spent my entire day exploring on my phone.  It's just one more distraction in the already too long list that keeps me from doing what I truly love, writing.    
Writing Workout
I decided today that I need to approach this realistically.  There's no way I'm giving up the distractions.  It's fun and important for a writer to participate in social networking.  But just like you need to do a variety of exercises for different parts of your body, you need to find a balance for your writing.  
Now it's important to remember that we're not all the same in our goals.  A personal trainer would design a specific plan for you.  That is how you should approach your writing workout.  Follow the steps below to help you achieve this:
  1. Make a list of your goals and prioritize them by importance.  For example, finishing a chapter a day is the most important thing for me on my list. This is where I will devote the most time.  Maybe social networking or editing are most important on your list.  There is no wrong way to do this, it's all about what's best for you.
  2. Design your workout plan by assigning a specific amount of time for each activity or an end result you want to achieve each day.  I will be writing first everyday.  After finishing one chapter, I've allowed myself 30 minutes for social networking and then 30 minutes of editing.  
  3. Be flexible, but don't stray too far from your plan.  Let's face it, the best laid plans get trashed when life happens.  There will be times when you have to roll with the punches.  The kids get out of school early, your friend stops by for some coffee and a chat, the hermit crabs escape from their cage.  What are you going to do then?  These things and many more pop up at the most inconvenient times, like when you're on a writing roll and in the middle of a great scene.  Have a contingency plan for your schedule.  These things are important, but so is your writing. 
  4.  Last, but most importantly (in my opinion), allow yourself a cheat day.  Now don't get carried away here.  I said day, not week or month.  How hard is it to stick to a diet and exercise plan when you don't allow yourself a little reward for all your hard work?  Take this approach with your writing.  It doesn't have to be a day every week, that's just an example.  But, give yourself a break and a pat on the back without feeling guilty for it.  I still haven't decided how I'll handle this one.  It may be a day off from writing or buying a book I've been wanting.  Decide on something that will motivate you to keep going.
There are a few things to that may help you succeed in your plan.
  • Find a buddy to help you stay on track.  A fellow writer or someone who will hold you accountable will help you stick to your plan and motivate you along the way.  I have a great editing group that I know will help me with this.
  • If you stray, don't wait too long to get back on track.  I know my plan is going to be hard to follow some days.  There will be weeks I'm sure where it will all fall apart.  These are the times I will count on myself and my group to motivate me to get back to my plan.
  • Don't be afraid to adjust your workout.  After you begin, you may find your plan doesn't work for you.  Go back to the drawing board and develop something more manageable for success.
  • Pick a start day and do it!  I always start new things on a Monday, so tomorrow's GO DAY for me.
  •  Have fun and take time to appreciate the results of your labor.  An exercise program tones your body and makes you feel great (hopefully).  Bask in the glory of your completed manuscript knowing that you stuck to a plan and it worked!
  • Don't forget the small successes.  Every day you stick to your plan is a good day.  Feel good about it!   

I'm really excited about the workout I've designed for myself and hope it will help in keeping my writing on track.  If you try this plan, I would love to hear about it or any other ideas you may have.  Happy Writing!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Weekend Read

Congratulations to Maribeth on winning HUSH HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick and the $15 Barnes and Noble gift card in the recent Weekend Read Giveaway.  Look for more giveaways in the near future.

Now for this weekend's read.

The Boy Who Sneaks in my Bedroom Window
By:  KirstyMoseley

Amber and her older brother Jake have an abusive father.  When Jake's best friend Liam from next door sees Amber crying one night, he climbs in her bedroom window to comfort her.  He's done this for the past eight years.
Amber and Liam developed a love/hate relationship over this time.  Liam is now a confident high school boy who' never had a girlfriend, but loves to flirt.  Amber is emotionally scarred from the abuse she had to endure growing up.  Jake is the overprotective brother who has no idea these two spend their nights together.
Read to see what happens when Amber starts to look at Liam differently and how her brother reacts when he finds out his best friend has been spending his nights in his little sister's bed.

Hope you pick up this book this weekend and enjoy it as much as I did....twice.  Have a great weekend and some awesome reads.  Let me know if you've found a great read you would like to share. I'm always looking for a good book! :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sand, Surf, and Kindle

Well I'm off to the beach for a little R&R before the back to school rush.  Looking forward to some sun, sand, and great reads.
I hope you will take the time to enter the HUSH HUSH giveaway and come back to visit for more weekend read giveaways in the coming weeks.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekend Read Giveaway

This book was not originally my weekend read for this week, but an opportunity presented itself that I couldn't resist.  I was at Wal-Mart this morning and saw a great deal on one of my favorite reads, HUSH HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick. 

Nora is forced to be lab partners with the elusive, teasing, but infuriatingly handsome Patch.  He always seems to be two steps ahead of her.  Soon Nora's curiosity about Patch heats up and their connection grows stronger.  But Patch has a secret and now Nora needs to decide if Patch is worth the risks she must take.

This is the first book of four in this saga.  The following books in the saga are CRESCENDO and SILENCE.  The final book, FINALE, is due out in October 2012.  To help you fall in love with this saga, I am giving away the first book, HUSH HUSH, and a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card towards the other books in the saga (or use it to purchase whatever you want, I'll never know;).

Please be aware that I got an excellent deal on this first book.  There is a red triangle tag in the corner of this paperback book listing the price.  It does not look exactly like the cover above.  I know this won't matter because it is a great read just the same.

Enter to win below and GOOD LUCK!  I hope your weekend is filled with great reads!

a Rafflecopter giveaway a

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dreamweaver: Let The Sunshine In

Dreamweaver: Let The Sunshine In: My smile was as bright as the sun when I received a message from fellow blogger at  Writing Like Crazy ye...

Let The Sunshine In

My smile was as bright as the sun when I received a message from fellow blogger at Writing Like Crazy yesterday presenting me with the Sunshine Blogger Award.  In accepting this award, I am required to answer a series of questions and then pay it forward to other awesome bloggers who I feel deserve the award too. Then, I link my nominees to this post and comment on their blog letting them know of their nomination. Below are my answers and the blogs I have nominated.

What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Well I must say I love to watch all the classic animated Christmas specials with my children.  They bring back warm, fuzzy memories of my childhood.  But my all time favorite has to be "It's A Wonderful Life".  Who doesn't love George and his journey in this great film.  It has some sad memories connected to it for me (I found out my grandfather died when I was watching it one Christmas Eve), but it still holds a special place in my heart.

What is your favorite flower?
I have a few favorite flowers for different reasons.  My favorite flower scent is lilacs.  The flower I love the look of is gerber daisies.  My favorite summer blooms are honeysuckle and black-eyed Susan's (they remind me of my father-in-law). 

What is your favorite non-alcoholic beverage?
I absolutely love fresh squeezed lemonade.  My mother-in-law makes the best!

What is your passion?
If I was asked this ten years ago, my answer would have been diferent.  A few months ago I went to a medium just for fun with a group of friends.  I asked if my hobby was something I should persue.  She said, "It isn't a hobby for you, it's your passion".  She hit the nail right on the head.  Writing is a passion for me.  It's something I've been doing as a hobby most of my life, but now it's so much more.  A writer is who I truly am.

What is your favorite time of year?
The spring, it's such a beautiful time of year where I live.  The flowers start blooming, the weather gets warmer, and summer is right around the corner.

What is your favorite time of day?
I used to be a morning person, but now I find myself enjoying the evenings more.  I love it when all teh work for the day is done and i can relax and curl up with a good book.

What is your favorite physical activity?
I love to walk.  It's a great workout and relaxes my mind. 

What is your favorite vacation?
Anywhere I can go with my family (immediate and extended) and create special memories is where I want to be.

My nominees are:
1. Jenny Bent
2. Suzette Saxton
3. Kathleen Duey
4. Nathan Bransford
5. Kristen Nelson
6. Janet Reid
7. Kristen Van Dolzer
8. Sarah's Book Reviews
9. Brenda Drake
10. Kristy Wang

These bloggers I have nominated have shined a light on inspiration for me in some way.  I always look forward to reading their insights and information.

If your blog has been given an award, make sure you post your button award on your blog, answer the eight questions and then nominate ten others. Let the sunshine into your day!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dreamweaver: Writing Inspiration

Dreamweaver: Writing Inspiration: Many things  can provide inspiration for a writer.  It could be a picture, a person they meet, something a friend or acquaintance says, or ...

Writing Inspiration

Many things  can provide inspiration for a writer.  It could be a picture, a person they meet, something a friend or acquaintance says, or even a song they hear.  These things can be tucked away in a journal or story file for later use.  Each Monday, I will post a picture with some questions to get those creative juices flowing.  Who knows, maybe one of these pictures will inspire your next story...I hope so! 
Who is this child?
Why is the baby tied to a tree branch?
Where are the baby's parents?
Who will find this baby?
What type of person will this baby grow up to be?

I hope these questions spark a flicker of inspiration for you.  I know my mind already has a story outlined for this child.  Have fun writing!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Nathan Bransford, Author: We're Moving From a World of Gatekeepers to a Worl...

Nathan Bransford, Author: We're Moving From a World of Gatekeepers to a Worl...: The barbarians have already demolished the gates. Anyone who wants to make a movie can upload it to YouTube. You don't need a movie stu...

Upcoming Giveaway

I had the pleasure of meeting Jozef Rothstein, the author of "As The Matzo Ball Turns" today at a Barnes and Nobel book signing.  Talking to him was not only informative, but entertaining.  He has some great stories and helpful information he was kind enough to share with me.  I will feature an interview on this blog with Jozef Rothstein next month and give away a signed copy of his book "As The Matzo Ball Turns".  Please come back to visit and learn more about this interesting author and enter to win his book.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Weekend Read

Welcome to my first weekeend read.  Here I will talk about books I've read that you might want to checkout on the weekend while you're relaxing at the beach, sitting by the pool, or just snuggled up on the couch.
Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay is a story about the tragic couple Romeo and Juliet who meet again as enemies.  Romeo sacrificed Juliet for immortality and Juliet was granted this "gift" as well for the forces of good.  For years, Juliet has fought Romeo for the souls of true lovers.  But now Juliet has met someone she is forbidden to love and Romeo will do anything to destroy this.
This book spins an interesting tale of two classic characters.  If you enjoy paranormal love stories, check this one out and let me know what you think.

"These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume."
-Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
From the hardcover edition Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dreamweaver: Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver: Dreamweaver: Dreamweaver is a blog that will talk about writing and reading.   Books are a type of dream world that you can escape to and become part ...


Dreamweaver is a blog that will talk about writing and reading.   Books are a type of dream world that you can escape to and become part of the story.  Books that I've read and tips or sites I find that are helpful in creating a great story will be posted.  I hope you find this helpful in creating or escaping into a dream of you own.