I was taking a much needed break from all things NaNo to catch up on blogs I follow when I stumbled upon a great post by Brenda Drake. She's hosting a Thanksgiving Blog Hop where you post things you are thankful for in your life. Now I'm a little late to the party, but couldn't resist joining in anyway. It's a great way to focus on all the wonderful things in our lives.
There's nothing I'm more thankful for in my life than my family. I have a loving husband and two great sons that are the center of my world. They've made my life complete.
But my family doesn't stop there. I'm from a large Italian family and I married into an even larger Italian family (didn't think that was possible). Our tree has many branches, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
We are a close knit group. Most of us live within a few blocks of each other ( the others are about a five to ten minute car ride away) and it works for us. There's nothing like having a strong support system of people who love you. I'm so thankful for my BIG ITALIAN FAMILY!
My grandfather was Italian from Agnone, Italy. We know BIG and ITALIAN in our home. I do all the recipes and traditions my grandfather had introduced to me. Nothing better than that!
Our grandparents were from Sicily and Naples. Love the traditional food we grew up on. It never tastes as good as when they made it though. The holidays are such a great time to practice those special family traditions and enjoy the company of family around a table filled with great food. Salute!