Wednesday, November 14, 2012

NaNoWriMo Writing Tips

*Clear throat and use deep announcer's voice*

Hear ye, hear ye!  I have searched far and wide for tidbits of knowledge that can help accomplish the task of completing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  I have found some excellent tips for those of you brave enough to take on the beast.  Just click below and you too will reveal the secrets to victory.

As we approach the mid-mark of this journey, I am behind my goal (currently at about 12,000 words).  But, it is time to regroup and move forward using the sites above as inspiration. 

*Holding a pen above my head like a sword*

 "We shall be victorious!"

Are you staying on target with your writing goals?  What tips do you use when you're writing?


  1. Thank u Nay for including my blog! ;). Maribeth

  2. Thanks for the great tips. They really helped.
